Rabbi Doniel Pransky

Rabbi Pransky, originally from Philadelphia, is the Rosh Kollel of the Atlanta Scholars Kollel. He learned for many years in Yeshivas Ner Yisroel in Baltimore, receiving his smicha there, and spent four years in the Columbus Community Kollel. Speaking to Jews from many different backgrounds, Rabbi Pransky’s many weekly shiurim include students with little experience to those who have learned in yeshiva, often at the same time. His online recordings are primarily from his weekly Chumash and Nach series, and many other topics, such as halacha, hashkafa and machshava, are included as well.

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Zechariah (01) Chapter 1 - The Red Horse 05-20-20 Sifrei Trei Asar 52 min
Zechariah (08) Chapter 8 - The Four Fasts - Tzitzit 07-08-20 Sifrei Trei Asar 43 min
Zechariah (09) Chapter 9 - Moshiach 07-15-20 Sifrei Trei Asar 47 min
Zechariah (10) Chapter 10 - Defeating the Nations - Destruction of The Bais Hamikdash 07-22-20 Sifrei Trei Asar 47 min
Zechariah (11) Chapter 11 - Two staffs 09-02-20 Sifrei Trei Asar 47 min
Zechariah (12) Chapter 12 - Jews Forced to Fight Jews - The Great Eulogy 09-16-20 Sifrei Trei Asar 39 min
Zechariah (13) Chapter 13 - Hashem's presence felt 10-21-20 Sifrei Trei Asar 51 min
Zechariah (14) Chapter 14 - Splitting of Har HaZeisim 10-28-20 Sifrei Trei Asar 52 min
Zechariah (15) Chapter 14 - Sukkos and Water 11-04-20 Sifrei Trei Asar 45 min
Zephaniah (01) Chapter 1 - Why Hashem does not destroy Avoda Zarah 03-04-20 Sifrei Trei Asar 51 min
Zephaniah (03) Chapter 2 - Critisicm and Praise Simultaneously - Listening to Music 04-22-20 Sifrei Trei Asar 48 min
Zephaniah (04) Chapter 3 - Punishing the Nations to give Mussar to the Jews 04-29-20 Sifrei Trei Asar 47 min
Sefer Yonah (01) Sefer Yonah 59 min
Sefer Yonah (02) Sefer Yonah 59 min
Sefer Yonah (03) Sefer Yonah 56 min
Sefer Yonah (04) Sefer Yonah 51 min
Sefer Yonah (05) Sefer Yonah 48 min
Zechariah (05) Chapter 5 - Torah and the Bais Hamikdash and the aveiros that undermine them 06-17-20 Sefer Zecharia 49 min
Zechariah (06) Chapter 6 - The four exiles - The Crowns of The Bais Hamikdash 06-24-20 Sefer Zecharia 50 min
Zechariah (07) Chapter 7 - Defeating the Yetzer Hara 07-01-20 Sefer Zecharia 48 min
Eichah (01) Chapter 1 - Tisha BiAv is called a Moed 06-22-22 Sefer Eicha 60 min
Eichah (02) Chapter 2 - Manipulating the Angels - The Blood of Zecharia 06-29-22 Sefer Eicha 60 min
Eichah (03) Chapter 3 - Modeh Ani - The Appropriate Reaction to Suffering 07-06-22 Sefer Eicha 59 min
Eichah (04) Chapter 4 - Yirmiyahu's Kinah for Yoshiyahu - The Land of Utz 07-13-22 Sefer Eicha 55 min
Eichah (05) Chapter 5 - Sins of Previous Generations - Music After The Destruction - Foxes on Har Tzion 07-20-22 Sefer Eicha 53 min