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י״ב אדר ב' תשפ״ה
/ Mar 12, ‘25
Ki Sisa
Sifrei Kodesh
Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Sefer Isaiah
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Yeshayahu (33) Chapter 41 - Haftara for parshas Lech Lecha - Avraham and Shem 10-25-23
Length: 50 min
Sefer Yeshayahu
Yeshayahu (01) Chapter 1 - Chapter 1 - One of The Three Famous Words of Eichah - 10 Steps of Teshuva - Complementing Parshas Haazinu 07-27-22 - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Yeshayahu (02) Chapter 2 - Origin of a formal school system - Carrying Weapons on Shabbos - The Ultimate Day of Judgement 08-31-22 - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Yeshayahu (03) Chapters 3-4 - Lack of Torah scholarship before the churban - promiscuity of the Jewish girls - seven chupos in the future 10-26-22 - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Yeshayahu (04) Chapter 5 - Shiras HaKerem; why is it a shira 11-02-22 - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Yeshayahu (05) Chapter 5 - The yetzer hara as a thin string and a thick rope - Hashem's hand stretched over us 11-09-22 - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Yeshayahu (06) Chapter 6 - Introduction - Hashem's Chariot - Amos - Yeshayahu and Yechezkel - Korach and Uziyahu 11-16-22 - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Yeshayahu (07) Chapter 6 -Seeing Hashem - The Wings of the Angels - The Faces of the Angels - Kadosh Kadosh Kadosh 11-23-22 - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Yeshayahu (08) Chapter 6 -Yeshayahu's Greatness and his Mistake - Michoel, Gavriel and the Malach Hamaves - Yeshayahu's Mission 11-30-22 - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Yeshayahu (09) Chapter 7 -Alon and Eilah trees - Yeshayahu's reassurance to Achaz - Prediction of Sancherev's Exile of the 10 tribes 12-07-22 - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Yeshayahu (10) Chapter 9 - Destruction of Sancherev's army - Punishment of the 10 Tribes - Foul Speech 01-25-23 - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Yeshayahu (11) Chapter 10 - Sancherev's travel to Yerushalayim - Erev Pesach 02-01-23 - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Yeshayahu (12) Chapters 11 - 12 - Mashiach 02-08-23 - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Yeshayahu (13) Chapters 13 - Destruction of Bavel 02-15-23 - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Yeshayahu (14) Chapters 14 - Nevuchadnetzar's Demise 02-22-23 - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Yeshayahu (15) Chapters 15 - 16 - Moav 03-01-23 - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Yeshayahu (16) Chapters 17 - 18 - Danascus and the 10 Tribes - War of Gog Umagog 03-08-23 - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Yeshayahu (17) Chapters 19 - 20 - Destruction of Mitzrayim - Five Cities Serving Hashem in Mitzrayim - Punishment of the Childen of Cham 04-19-23 - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Yeshayahu (18) Chapters 21 - 22 - Bavel - Edom - Yishmael - The Jews - Shevna 05-03-23 - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Yeshayahu (19) Chapter 23 - Tzor and the proper use of wealth 05-10-23 - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Yeshayahu (20) Chapter 24 - Listening to Music - Empty homes - The Sun in the Future - The Song of the Land 05-17-23 - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Yeshayahu (21) Chapters 25 - 26 - Living forever - Seeing the Shechina - Answering Amen 05-24-23 - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Yeshayahu (22) Chapters 26 - 27 - Resurrection of the Dead - The Levyasan 05-31-23 - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Yeshayahu (23) Chapters 27 - 28 - Haftara for Parshas Shemos 06-07-23 - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Yeshayahu (24) Chapters 28 - 29 - Mashal of plowing and threshing - Reading of haftaras in Shul 06-14-23 - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Yeshayahu (25) Chapter 30 - Punishment for the ten tribes making a pact with Mitzrayim - Seeing your Rebbe - Hallel Pesach night 06-28-23 - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Yeshayahu (26) Chapters 31-32 - Help from Mitzrayim - The Entrance to Gehenom - Motivating Others - Torah and Tzedaka 07-05-23 - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Yeshayahu (27) Chapter 33 - Six orders of the Mishna - Six Questions we will be Asked After 120 years - Establishing the Entire Torah on 6 Mitzvos 07-12-23 - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Yeshayahu (28) Chapters 34 - 35 Downfall of Edom - Moav shares Edom's fate - Return to Eretz Yisroel 07-19-23 - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Yeshayahu (29) Chapter 36 - Ravshakei 08-30-23 - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Yeshayahu (30) Chapter 37 - Chizkiyahu's Tefilla and Yeshayahu's nevua against Sancheriv - the fall of Sancheriv 09-06-23 - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Yeshayahu (31) Chapter 38 - Chizkiyahu's Sickness 09-13-23 - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Yeshayahu (32) Chapters 39-40 - The king of Bavel's reaction to the miracles of Chizkiyahu - Nachamu nachamu 10-18-23 - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Yeshayahu (33) Chapter 41 - Haftara for parshas Lech Lecha - Avraham and Shem 10-25-23 - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Yeshayahu (34) Chapter 41 part 2 - The Future Geulah - The Importance of Cedar Wood 11-01-23 - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Yeshayahu (35) Chapter 42 Haftara for parshas Breishis; the advantage of more mitzvos; the reaction of the nations of the world to the final day of judgement 11-08-23 - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Yeshayahu (36) Chapter 43 The miracles in the final redemption and those of the exodus from Egypt; redemprtion for us and for Hashem's sake; the four groups of redemption 11-15-23 - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Yeshayahu (37) Chapter 44 The foolishness of Avoda Zara (Idol Worship) 11-22-23 - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Yeshayahu (38) Chapter 45 The complaint against Koresh; populating the world; what the baby knows before being born 11-29-23 - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Yeshayahu (39) Chapters 46 and 47 Mocking the avoda zara of Bavel; the downfall of Bavel 12-06-23 - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Yeshayahu (40) Chapter 48 Stiff necked people; poverty or wealth; tznius 12-13-23 - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Yeshayahu (41) Chapters 49 and 50 Haftara for parshas Eikev 12-20-23 - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Yeshayahu (42) Chapters 51 and 52 Haftara for Parshas Shoftim 01-03-24 - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Yeshayahu (43) Chapters 53 and 54 Mashiach; Haftara for Parshas Ki Seitzei 01-10-24 - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Yeshayahu (44) Chapters 54 - 56 Haftara for Parshas Ki Seitzei and Noach; Haftara for fast days 01-17-24 - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Yeshayahu (45) Chapter 57 Suffering with the tzibur; the death of a tzadik 01-24-24 - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Yeshayahu (46) Chapter 58 Haftara for Yom Kippur Morning 01-31-24 - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Yeshayahu (47) Chapter 59 Even an iron wall cannot separate us from Hashem 02-07-24 - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Yeshayahu (48) Chapter 60 Chapter 60 - Haftara for Parshas Ki Savo 02-21-24 - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Yeshayahu (49) Chapters 61 and 62 Haftara for Parshas Nitzavim 02-28-24 - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Yeshayahu (50) Chapters 63 and 64 Yitzchak Avinu; pasuk recited when seeing the churban 03-13-24 - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Yeshayahu (51) Chapter 65 Two groups of Jews in the time of Mashiach 03-27-24 - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Yeshayahu (52) Chapter 66 Haftara for Rosh Chodesh 04-03-24 - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
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